Thursday, January 22, 2009


1.21.9 (#12th of never)

There are strange cloud formations and there are strange cloud formations.

And then, there are these.

Look carefully from the first photo to the last.

Photo one thorough four are all of the same "spike" formation. By the time you get to the fifth photo, the spike is well on it's way to dissipating, with another forming to its left.

Ultimately, in the final photo, this second spike has taken on a surreal likeness to an insignia all Star Trek fans out there will recognize immediately: That of the Klingon Empire!

Mayhap a sign Klingons really do exist?

....................... Ruprecht ( STOP )


PG said...

and all these peeps were worried Obama had some secret Muslin connection/agenda? Turns out it's a Klingon connection. The horror!

Marissa said...

O.M.G! I saw this curly-q like cloud out all by its lonesome. Nothing around it. Not an obvious dissipating jet stream. It was vertical and corkscrewy. Damns for not possessing a camera at the time.