Thursday, August 27, 2009

#227: You Can See Out The Cavity
(Body Parts #3 - Big Tooth)

To some, this is nothing more than an advertisement.

Others? A nightmare come true.

....................... Ruprecht ( STOP )
#227 of 365

I'dn't realized this could well be an edition to Rupe's "Body Parts" series of blog entries until that wiley Jerry Thomas informed Rupe of such. Thanks, Jerry!


TopSurf said...

Yep nightmare for sure!

LaShae said...

A filling is obviously necessary.

yoonamaniac said...

Is that a healthy tooth? What's up with that red dot?

SomberAngel said...

looks like a sniper rifle is ready for a kill shot

Marissa said...

That's not a cavity! He's from India and that's his Bindi dot.