Tuesday, November 24, 2009

#316: Pop Goes The Weasel

Cap'n Crunch .....

.......................... Ruprecht ( STOP )
#316 of 365
Ironically the car on the receiving end of the hit is a "Focus" .....
..... something the rear driver obviously wasn't doing


TopSurf said...

I love the little tag lines after the post! AWESOME!

AZJazzyJ said...

what was that a clown car? How many people got out of that little thing?

kymlee said...

Well most traffic accidents are the result of inattention, so...y'know, the lack of focus is no surprise here.

Marissa said...

*snort* I spy high rise mom jeans!!

Jérôme Aoustin said...

My name is auto, auto focus (sorry, had to do it).